Monday, January 28, 2008

28 january

Today in class we spoke about how danny could help us. After I started to wrok on my design. I have fineshed my brain storm and started the 1 of 3 of front page of the promotional cd. I worked well and was not destracted . I asked questions for may self to get started and to work well. I am prud of my self andf i hope that this year we be a good one and i will work this well through out the whole year.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

today in class I made corections on my investigations and started on my design.i was a little of topic becuase i was strssed. i could do better, i will do better next class. I hope this year will be a good one with miss dietrich

Monday, January 21, 2008

21 january

Today in class i have almost finished the i nvestsigation part. I worked weell but had a bit of trouble at times. Over all I worked well and consetrated.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

January 16

Today in class i worked very hard to get my investagation done. I dint let mt self get my self destracted and asked questions when i needed help. I got alot done i just have to do the last 2 points. Today in class i learnt that i can work very well if i just stay on task. I hope my teacher not up set i did not finish but since i worked hard mybe the teacher will be fine with me. A good day of work.

Monday, January 14, 2008

january 14

Today in class i worked well and on track and didnt get off track. I looked up costes of advertisemenst on radio, TV and web site advertisements. I also planned what my promotional cd will be about.
What i have dne in class
There's no point in spending money to run T.V spots that won't generate sales. In fact, airing a poor quality T .V commercial can do irreparable damage to your firm's image. An effective TV commercial can be professionally produced for as little as $1,000, but you'll need to shop very carefully for the right advertising professional or production house. You'll probably get the best deal from a small agency or a freelancer with big-agency experience
In terms of T.V advertisements costs, you will pay a minimum of thousands of dollars to be on a Main channel. However, you can air on the radio for fewer than 100 at discounted rates and advertise for weeks. The cost to advertise on multiple stations is as little 2,500dollars. When signed for 2,500 dollars with a radio station to advertise the longevityof it would be as long as 5 weeks or less.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

january 9

Today in class i had a good start of my promotion project. since yesterday i had trouble with computers. every one did. today i got all back on track of what I need to get done.
I worked very productive in class today